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When will the madness stop? While you're at it why not ban breathing... maybe the sounds of the crickets and noisy children, too?

While we're on the subject of noise, would it be possible to ban the use of Jake brakes and other noise producing exhaust brakes? My community is near a couple of material businesses, you know the ones with dump trucks going in/out all hours of the day including weekends? All I hear when I'm working is the rumble of the trucks and their noisy exhaust stacks churning up my working solstice. I'll be in the middle of a zoom meeting and all of the sudden, BRRR, BURRR, BURR, CHUG, CHUG, CHUGGG, as one of these drivers slides by right before a tight curve in the road...

I'd much rather listen to the short bursts of a guy with leaf blower in my neighborhood than the "harmony of exhaust brakes" that continuously rattle my home.

From: Proposed Leaf Blower Ban Takes Center Stage

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